Presbyterian Women

Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ

Presbyterian Women (PW) in the Congregation of Second Presbyterian Church is connected through the Presbytery and Synod to the church-wide organization of Presbyterian Women, Inc. 

Led by an elected Coordinating Team of dynamic and dedicated women, the group seeks through every program, project, and activity to live out our Purpose:

Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves…

  • to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study,
  • to support the mission of the church worldwide,
  • to work for justice and peace, and
  • to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.

The Coordinating Team invites all women of SPC to come and explore PW as we meet on the 4th Monday of each month (with the exception of June, July, and December) at 4:30 pm in the Emmaus room. We welcome your interest and voice!  Contact any CT member for more information:  Ruth Cooper, Marilyn Ambrus, Carole Wachtel, Amy Mader, Beth Black, Debbie Kullman, Cathy Harvey, Cindi Barber, Shari Fronckel,  Miki Hempleman, and Judy Pflaumer.


We are grateful to have an active Presbyterian Women group at Second Pres and a congregation that continues to faithfully encourage and support the mission of PW.  Along with local and global mission outreach, we participate in the PW churchwide Birthday Offering and Thank Offering.  We are honored to provide Funeral Team assistance and luncheon to our SPC families.


Watch for news and updates during Sunday morning announcements and in

The Second Scoop.  News of PW in the Presbytery may be found online at

Click on Nurture & Outreach, then Presbyterian Women.

You will find the latest PW/PSV info as well as newsletters and announcements.

We appreciate all the Presbyterian Women of Second Pres! And we are also thankful for all the men who support and assist us in so many ways: our wonderful  “PW Auxiliary!”