Elected Church Leaders

The Church’s ministry is a gift from Jesus Christ to the whole Church.


Elders makeup the Session of the church. The Session is the body that makes decisions about the operation of our church, from worship, to education, to the upkeep of the facility and everything in between. The Elders are elected by the congregation and ordained to the office. The Elders serve as chairpersons and members of the church’s committees.

2025 Elders

2026 Elders

Shona Garver


Barbara Gillespie

Budget and Finance

Mary Beth Mathews


2027 Elders

Gail Anderson


Hank Speaks

Worship and Music


The Deacons are the leaders charged with caring for the needs of congregation members. Each Deacon has a “flock”, or group of members, for whom they care. The deacons are also elected by the congregation and ordained to the office.

2025 Deacons

Cindi Barber

Amy Mader

Diann Priest

2026 Deacons

Tom Henry

Linda Nabors

Heather Tracy

2027 Deacons

Bruce Anderson

Tim Gano

Bonnie Harrison


2025 – Barbara Ransopher

2026 – Jim Johnson

2027 – Carole Wachtel


Presbytery Rep
Cathy Harvey

Clerk of Session/Treasurer
 Doug Kullman

Board of Deacons

The role of the board of deacons is to provide for the care of the members of the congregation, This is accomplished by: 

  • Each deacon being assigned a “flock” from the congregation that they are to connect with and seek to care for. 
  • Planning and providing special care for our members who are in nursing facilities, shut- in at home, or facing special issues in their lives. 
  • Providing occasional opportunities for the congregation to live their faith by contributing to collections for local mission organization (i.e. coats for the Salvation Army and personal care items for BHP residents). 
  • Arranging for the distribution of communion to members who are no longer able to attend. 
  • Working with the Pastor to lead monthly worship services at the Inn at Chapel Grove and Sharonbrooke. 
  • NOTE: Deacons are elected by the congregation and ordained to their position. See more about our deacons on the Leadership page of the website. 

The role of the Nominating Committee is to make nomination to the congregation for the elected positions in the church. This is accomplished by: 

  • Taking nomination from the congregation each fall for the offices of elder and deacon and for a second funds member at large. 
  • Meeting to discuss these nominations and to identify other members of the congregation who would be good for the positions. 
  • Contacting all nominees and working with them to discern whether or not they will be accepting the nomination. 
  • Presenting the nominations to the congregation at their annual meeting in November. 
Budget and Finance

 The role of the Budget and Finance Committee is to oversee all financial aspects of the congregation. This is accomplished by: 

  • Planning and implementing an annual stewardship campaign. 
  • Building an annual budget based on projected giving and committee budget requests. 
  • Overseeing the budget throughout the year making sure that expenditures are not exceeding giving. 

The role of the Marketing committee is to oversee and plan for all communication and technology needs of the congregation. This is accomplished by: 

  • Reviewing and making necessary changes to any church communication tools (i.e. bulletin, website, newsletter, etc.) 
  • Working with the Administrative Assistant and the Pastor to assure that all church events are communicated within the congregation and the community. 
  • Overseeing all technology in the building, arranging for any repairs, and purchasing any necessary replacements. 

The role of the Education Committee is to oversee all Christian Education programs and the Church Library. This is accomplished by: 

  • Adult Study 
    • Approve curriculum
  • Sunday School (K-5) 
    • Recruit teachers o Provide curriculum and supplies
  • Nursery
    • Provide supplies
  • Vacation Bible School
    • Recruit teachers/volunteers
    • Provide curriculum and supplies
    • Provide director/co-director
  • Youth Ministry
    • Recruit leaders
    • Provide curriculum and supplies for Youth Group and Sunday School
    • Provide Confirmation class as needed
  • Coordinating background checks for all teachers/volunteers.
  • Special Events
    • Third Grade Bibles
    • Christmas Tree Lighting Program 
    • Graduation Recognition
  • Receive Annual Report from Library Committee

The role of the Facilities Committees is to care for the church’s properties. This is accomplished by: 

  • To maintain, repair and replace all the church’s physical property including parking lots and rental or leased property. 
  • To establish sufficient insurance coverage for all church property and carry liability coverage for staff and officers. 
  • To create and oversee a budget for maintenance and church office operations. 
  • To relate to staff and congregation regarding safety concerns within the church and be responsive to suggestions for improvements. 
  • To handle maintenance related to the church van and verify eligible drivers. 

The role of the Fellowship committee is to facilitate the building of relationships within the congregation through social opportunities. This is accomplished by: 

  • Providing snacks during coffee hour; soliciting donations from congregation members for snacks or funds 
  • Making arrangements for a cake for Birthday Recognition Sunday (2nd Sunday of each month) 
  • Hosting Christmas dinner 
  • Budgeting the finances 
  • Organizing congregational fellowship opportunities outside of Sunday morning 
  • Working with representatives from 1st and Hanover Presbyterian Churches to organize the food for the joint church picnic 
  • Arranging monthly Night Out Fellowship Dinners (2nd Friday of each month) 
  • Preparing a breakfast for graduates on Graduate Recognition Sunday 

The role of the Outreach Committee is to reach out in service on behalf of the congregation to the community and beyond in ways that reflect Christian love and values, and which complement those of other groups within SPC. Formerly known as the Mission and Caring Committee, this renamed committee has three areas of focus:

  1. to manage the allocation of funds to international, national and local mission partners;
  2. to organize, publicize and manage local funds from PC(USA) denominational offerings and Church World Service Blanket Sunday; and
  3. to identify, organize and implement outreach projects for the church.

The committee both seeks appropriate support strategies for community needs and investigates requests for local, national and international assistance. Based upon the results of the research, the committee decides whether to grant the requests and/or participate in the projects.


The role of the Partnership Committee is to:

  • Explores ways to work with other Presbyterian churches in particular and all churches in general.

  • Explore the possibility of merging with other Presbyterian churches.

  • Seek possible ways to increase the membership of Second Presbyterian Church

  • Continue to build relationships in our community.

  • Develop and propose events and activities.

  • Explore other styles of worship service.

Second Funds

The role of the Second Funds committee is as follows: 

  • Maintenance of the Second Church Fund 
  • Recommend to the session the proper use of the income generated by the Second Church Fund as managed by the Presbyterian Foundation. This task is accomplished by: Receiving funding requests from committees of the Second Presbyterian Church, discussing and voting as to whether or not these funding requests are within the scope of the appropriate uses for the fund, and making formal recommendations to the Session regarding the distribution of these funds.
  • Providing for oversight of other endowment funds as requested by the session. 

The Role of the Worship Committee is to provide oversite for all worship activities of the church. This is accomplished by: 

  • Working with the Music Director and Pastor to oversee all worship services of the church. 
  • Organize and Set-up for special worship services/seasons (i.e. Advent, Christmas, and Easter) 
  • Have oversite as to the order of worship, the preparation of the elements for communion, and the ushers.